
Vinnusaga_labor history_women´s history_Iceland_housekeepers_ráðskonur_feminist history
2024 – Sjálfstæðar mæður. Ráðskonustarfið sem bjargráð fyrir einstæðar mæður á síðari hluta 20. aldar, Ritið 1/2024, bls. 139-178. [Independent mothers. Single mothers working as live-in housekeeperes] Oral HistorySee

Huldufreyjur: Ráðskonur í sveit á síðari hluta 20. aldar. Doktorsritgerð í sagnfræði við Háskóla Íslands 2022. Hidden history of housekeepers: Lives and labor of housekeepers in rural Iceland in the second half of the 20th century. Doctoral dissertation, University of Iceland 2022. Oral History – See
#MeToo mælt af munni fram – Kynbundið ofbeldi gegn ráðskonum í sveit á síðari hluta 20. aldar. The spoken #MeToo – Sexual violence against housekeepers employed on Icelandic farms in the second half of the 20th century.” Fléttur V. Elín Björk Jóhannsdóttir, Kristín I. Pálsdóttir og Þorgerður H. Þorvaldsdóttir, ritstj., 85-101. Reykjavík: Háskólaútgáfan, 2020.Oral History See

Documenting Tears. Oral History Review. – See
The book History of Marginalized Women: Female Vagrants and Hermits in Iceland / Bókin Jaðarkvennasaga. Förukonur og einsetukonur á Ísland (2020).Oral History – See

Drifting. Feminist oral history and the study of the last female drifters in Iceland, Feminist Research 2 (1) (2018). Oral History See
Oral history of marginalized women in the Icelandic rural society of the past. Oral History – See

Skyggnar konur á Íslandi  

Psychic women in Iceland

Nútímasagnadansinn #MeToo

#MeToo: a modern narrative dans

Female drifters and female expression. – See

„Hvað ertu að gera, maður?“ Heimildir um kynferðisofbeldi gegn vinnukonum

“What are you doing, man?” Documentation about sexual violence against peasant maids

„Konur á vatnaskilum. Hugvekja um femíníska munnlega sögu“ [Women on the Wathershed: On Feminist Oral history], Sagnir 32 (2018), pp. 42-57.Oral History – See

Kvennaborg á fyrstu hæð 

The city of ladies on the first floor: The Women´s History Archives collection of #MeToo testimonies

„„Mamma mín er góð“. Minningar um mæður frá 19. öld og í byrjun 20. aldar” [“My Mother is Kind”: Memories about Mothers from the 19th and early 20th century], Sagnir 32 (2018), pp. 74-95

Það var ókvenlegt að yrkja

Poetic composition was not considered to be a feminine occupation

Getur þú ímyndað þér konur? Femínísk umfjöllun um vísindaskáldskap og apaplánetu

Can you imagine women? A feminist review on science fiction and the Planet of the Apes

  • Konur eru konum bestar: Sagnfræðileg samtímarannsókn á áhrifum félagasamtaka kvenna á stöðu íslenskra kvenna. [Women are Women´s Best Allies: A Contemporary Historical Study on the Influence of Women´s Organizations on the Social Position of Icelandic Women], M.A.-thesis in History, University of Iceland 2017, 104 pp. – See
  • Sytrur minninga úr Mýrdalnum: Rannsókn á munnlegri sögu. [A Flow of Memories from Myrdalur County: A Study on Oral History], B.A.- thesis in History, University of Iceland 2015, 74 pp. – See

  • Ungfrúin góða og húsið. Kvikmyndaaðlögun. [The compassionate lady and the house. Film adaptation], B.A.-thesis in Film Studies, University of Iceland 2013, 26 pp. – See


(With English subtitles) Against the Current /Andstreymi is a documentary about homeless women who traveled from one farm to another to ask for food and shelter in the old Icelandic rural society. The film is based on my oral history interviews with people who met these women vagrants This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Heimamyndadagurinn_bio-paradis_Dalrun-Kaldakvisl_historian_film-scholar_kvikmyndafraedingur_axel-helgason_vigdis-ingvadottir-flokkukona_folkid-i-vik_andstreymi_against-the-current-1024x303.pngHomemovie festival in cinema Bíó Paradís / Heimamyndadagurinn í Bíó Paradís. 21.11.2021. I spoke about the historical significance of a homemovie made by Axel Helgason (1913-1959). I spoke about the unique footage of a female drifter Vigdís Ingvadóttir (1864-1957) that Axel´s home movie displays – and I used for my documentary Against the Current (ice. Andstreymi).when they were children.

The last female vagrant in valley Mýrdalur / Síðasta förukonan í Mýrdalnum. Documentary. 2015

Polarity of the World is based on my oral history Interview with Sigridur Jónsdóttir (born 1964), a poet and a farmer, about how women and men write and read differently.

Expressing #MeToo is based on an interview with Agusta Thorkelsdottir (1959), a fighter for women´s rights in the agricultural society, about the #metoo movement.

Women´s Expression in the Past is based on my oral history interview with the poet Asa Ketilsdottir (1935) about how women expressed themselves in the Icelandic agricultural society.

Housekeepers Wanted. The project received a documentary film grant from Hagþenkir – félag höfunda fræðirita og kennslugagna. – See

radio lectures

Marginalized women who fought for animal rights in the past. Jaðarkonur fyrri tíma sem bættu hag dýra. Radio lecture on the radio show Víðsjá. The Icelandic National Broadcasting Service (RÚV). 18.01.2022.

The freedom of women of the past in the Icelandic wild.  Frelsi fortíðarkvenna á heiðum og öræfum. Radio lecture on the radio show Víðsjá. The Icelandic National Broadcasting Service (RÚV). 1.02.2022.

Icelandic hermits caught on film in the 20th century. Einbúar í Stiklum Ómars Ragnarssonar. Einsetumenn og einsetukonur á Íslandi. Radio lecture on the radio show Víðsjá. The Icelandic National Broadcasting Service (RÚV). 12.04.2022. Starts at min. 15:15

Housekeepers that worked for companies and organizations in Iceland / oral history.  Ráðskonur sem störfuðu utan heimila / munnleg saga. Radio lecture on the radio show Víðsjá. The Icelandic National Broadcasting Service (RÚV). 2.03.2022.
Memories about Icelandic mothers in the 19th and 20th centuries. Móðurminningar í bókunum Móðir mín og Móðir mín Húsfreyjan.


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Heima er bezt. I was interviewed on TV about my doctoral research on the history of housekeepers working on farms in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Interview on psychic women in Iceland. Rannsakar skyggnar konur. Bændablaðið.  – See 

Interview about psychic women as artists. (RÚV).
HÍ. Varði doktorsritgerð um ráðskonur í sveit

Interview about psychic women in Iceland in Þórdís Gísladóttir radio show about the life of the psychic woman Guðný Eyjólfsdóttir. Sjándinn á Vesturbrú. Rás 1. 2022. 1. episode. 3. episode. – See

Violence against housekeepers in rural homes. Stór hluti þeirra varð fyrir ofbeldi, líkamlegu, andlegu eða kynferðislegu, af hálfu bænda.Hringbraut. . – See

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Interview about the history of housekeepers in Iceland on the radio show Sögur of landi. The Icelandic National Broadcasting Service (RÚV). 2021. – See

The housekeeping profession entailed security and danger. Ráðskonustarfinu fylgdi bæði öryggi og hætta á ofbeldi. Fréttablaðið. Helgarblaðið..

Great violence against housekeepers. Radio interview. Fjórðungur ráðskvenna varð fyrir ofbeldi. Fréttastofa RÚV. 2021. Fjórðungur ráðskvenna varð fyrir ofbeldi.Fréttastofa RÚV.  –  See

Housekeepers in rural homes. Viðtal um rannsókn á sögu ráðskvenna í sveit. Samfélagið. Rás 1. RÚV.. – See

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I gave an interview about Vigdis Finnbogadottir who served as president of Iceland (1980-1996):

Marginalized women in Iceland. Jaðarkvennasaga Dalrún. Viðtal við Halldóru Lenu Christians bókmenntafræðing. – See

Interview about female vagrants and women´s oral tradition. Viðtal um förukonur og kvennatjáningu. Víðsjá. Rás 1 / RÚV. – See

Dalrún is looking for housekeepers to interview. Dalrún leitar að ráðskonum. DV..See

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Female vagrants and female expression. Förukonur og fljóðatjáning. Bændablaðið. –See

Housekeeper wanted, can bring a child. Ráðskona óskast í sveit, má hafa með sér barn.Síðdegisútvarpið. RÚV. – See
The mystery of housekeepers unraveled. Hulu svipt af ráðskonum. Morgunblaðið.See

selected lectures

I gave a lecture about psychic women in Iceland the Theosophical Society. Ég flutti erindi um íslenska kvenmiðla á uppgangstíma spíritismans hjá Lífspekifélaginu. 16. mars 2024.

2023 / 2022 / 2021 / 2020. A guest lecturer on oral history at the history course Sagnfræðileg vinnubrögð (historical practices). Faculty of Philosophy, History and Archaeology. University of Iceland.

Erindi um félagslega stöðu ráðskvenna í sveit. Máttugar meyjar – bókmenntahátíð Konubókastofu. 

Fyrirlesturinn Staða ráðskvenna í sveit flutt í Málstofu í félags- og hagsögu. Lecture on the social position of housekeepers in rural Iceland. The lecture was given in a seminar on Icelandic social and economic history. University of Iceland. 2022. – See